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photo of Gala Dinner tables

Gala Dinner Partner


The Gala Dinner is the night of nights for the clean energy industry. With over 1000 people in attendance, many companies use this dinner as a key networking opportunity to close deals and showcase the breadth of the industry. Spotlight your company to the who’s who within the industry. Dinner includes entertainment, a three-course meal and beverages.

Venue: Grand Ballroom, ICC Sydney   |   Date: Tuesday 16 July   



  • Logo listed on:
    • Event eDMs
    • Relevant Gala Dinner signage
    • Conference website
  • Partner listing in conference app
  • 2 x free standing banners at the Gala Dinner (partner to provide)
  • Opportunity to provide a branded gift to dinner attendees (partner to provide)


  • 5 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks) 


  • Acknowledgement by the MC in the final session of day 1
  • Speaking opportunity at the Gala Dinner

Social functions

  • 3 x tables of 10 at the Gala Dinner
  • 1 x invitation to the Head Table at the Gala Dinner
  • 2 x tables of 8 at the Women in Renewables Lunch

Investment: $65,000 + GST 

Group of people networking

Networking Drinks Partner


Make an impact by giving delegates the chance to have a drink and unwind and network following the first day of conferencing. This is an opportunity to showcase your brand to summit delegates, including key industry stakeholders, politicians and policy makers.



  • Logo listed on:
    • Relevant venue signage
    • Networking Drinks marketing
    • Conference website
  • Partner listing in conference app


  • 6x9m networking lounge
  • 2 x exhibitor registrations


  • Acknowledgement by the MC in the final session of day 1


  • 5 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks) 

Social functions:

  • 5 x seats at the Gala Dinner

Investment: $32,000 + GST 

WiR speakers

Women in Renewables Lunch Partner


Place your brand at the forefront of diversity and inclusion in the renewables industry by sponsoring the Women in Renewables Lunch.



  • Logo listed on:
    • Relevant venue signage
    • All lunch marketing
    • Conference website
  • Partner listing in conference app


  • 2-minute welcome at beginning of lunch


  • 5 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks) 

Social functions:

  • 2 x tables of 10 at the Gala Dinner
  • 3 x tables of 8 at the Women in Renewables Lunch

Investment: $25,000 + GST

Career Launcher

Multiple opportunities available, based on availability

This sponsorship package includes the Clean Energy Council’s Discover the Renewable Energy Industry online course and a ticket to ACES 2024. The aim of this is to build a student’s knowledge base so they can reap the full benefit of attending a conference.

The Clean Energy Council will ensure the sponsored ticket is provided to a student or recent graduate who is looking to get into the clean energy industry who has registered interest in attending the event.



  • Logo on conference holding slides
  • Logo on relevant venue signage (designed by CEC)
  • Event social media kit to promote your involvement to your networks


  • Acknowledgement by the MC during the conference

Investment: $1,300 + GST


Marketing kit

All packages include an event social media kit to promote your involvement to your networks.


Photo of expo floor

Contact our partnerships team to discuss opportunities. 

