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Platinum Partner


At this highest tier of our sponsorship, we present you as a paramount player within the renewable energy industry. Your company's commitment to innovation and sustainability will shine as you take centre stage at our event.

The Platinum Partner package is more than just a sponsorship; it's a strategic opportunity to forge meaningful connections.



  • Exclusive recognition as the Platinum Partner of Australian Clean Energy Summit
  • Event byline, ‘Event proudly supported by…’
  • Logo listed on:
    • Holding slides during breaks
    • Conference website
    • Home screen of event app
    • Hero banner of event eDMs
    • Relevant digital signage
    • 1 x push notification via the conference app
  • Partner listing in event app
  • Acknowledgement in opening plenary session
  • Article in Monday Megawatt
  • 1 x banner on home screen of event app carousel 
  • 1 x social media story announcing partnership


  • 15 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks) 


  • Opportunity to sponsor a session 
  • 2-min welcome in sponsored session
  • Logo included on web and app program alongside sponsored session, as well as on in-room branding
  • Speaking opportunity on the panel in sponsored session
  • Partner invited to provide free-standing banner in sponsored session room
  • Opportunity to nominate 1 x company representative to sit on the conference Advisory Group


  • 6x9m exhibition space
  • 4 x exhibitor registrations

Social functions:

  • Speaking opportunity at the Gala Dinner
  • 3 x tables of 10 at the Gala Dinner
  • 2 x invitations to the Head Table at the Gala Dinner
  • 10 x tickets to the invite-only drinks (held the night before ACES)
  • 1 x table of 8 at the Women in Renewables Lunch


Gold Partner


Step into the spotlight with our esteemed Gold Partner sponsorship package. As a Gold Partner, you're not only supporting our vision but becoming an integral part of the success story.

Your logo will be prominently showcased across our promotional materials, event signage, and digital platforms, ensuring maximum visibility to a targeted audience.



  • Logo listed on:
    • Holding slides during breaks
    • Conference website
    • Event eDMs
    • Relevant digital signage
  • Partner listing in event app
  • Acknowledgement in opening plenary session
  • Article in a CEC eDM
  • 1 x banner on home screen of event app carousel 
  • 1 x social media story announcing partnership


  • 10 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks)


  • 6x3m exhibition space
  • 4 x exhibitor registrations

Social functions:

  • 2 x tables of 10 at the Gala Dinner

Investment: $35,000 + GST

Silver Partner


Silver partnership allows you to align your brand with the flagship event in clean energy in Australia. Providing exposure to a wide network across the industry. 



  • Logo listed on:
    • Holding slides during breaks
    • Conference website
    • Event eDMs
    • Relevant digital signage
  • Partner listing in event app
  • Acknowledgement in opening plenary session
  • 1 x banner on home screen of event app carousel 
  • 1 x social media story announcing partnership


  • 6 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks)


  • Acknowledgement by the MC/session chair in the opening plenary


  • 3x3m exhibition space
  • 2 x exhibitor registrations

Social functions:

  • 1 x table of 10 at the Gala Dinner


Bronze Partner


A Bronze partnership offers a valuable opportunity for your brand to be associated with the leading clean energy event in Australia, providing significant exposure across an extensive industry network, making it a worthwhile and beneficial package.



  • Logo listed on:
    • Holding slides during breaks
    • Conference website
    • Relevant digital signage
  • Partner listing in event app
  • Acknowledgement in opening plenary session


  • 4 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks)


  • Acknowledgement by the MC/session chair in the opening plenary


  • 3x3m exhibition space
  • 2 x exhibitor registrations

Social functions:

  • 5 x seats at the Gala Dinner

Investment: $15,000 + GST


Marketing kit

All packages include an event social media kit to promote your involvement to your networks.


Photo of expo floor

Contact our partnerships team to discuss opportunities. 

