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Photo of audience

Technology Partner


Technology plays a crucial role across all event aspects! The diverse array of platforms incorporated for ACES 2024 ensures seamless delegate engagement, facilitating information sharing and networking before, during, and after the event. Your company stands to take a leading position in this implementation, with opportunities to feature your brand in the lead-up, throughout the event, and in the post-ACES 2024 phase.



  • Logo listed on:
    • Holding slides during breaks
    • Conference website
  • Partner listing in event app
  • Event app branding:
    • Logo on event app splash screen (designed by CEC)
    • 1 x push notification via the conference app
    • 1 x banner on home screen of event app carousel 
    • Dedicated app icon and page (designed by CEC, content provided by partner)
  • On-demand platform inclusions:
    • 1 x banner on digital platform homepage (designed by partner)**
    • Acknowledgement in 'Digital platform powered by' icon**

**Only applicable if the event has on-demand content


  • 5 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks) 

Investment: $15,000 + GST 

Wi-Fi Partner


Boost brand awareness by sponsoring the conference Wi-Fi and customise the Wi-Fi network name and password.



  • Logo listed on:
    • Holding slides during breaks
    • Conference website
  • Partner listing in event app
  • Logo on relevant venue signage promoting the wi-fi (designed by CEC)
  • Event social media kit to promote your involvement to your networks
  • Wi-Fi password selection at in-person venue and on signage promoting password* 


  • 4 x event registrations (Includes tickets to the Networking Drinks) 

Investment: $15,000 + GST 


Marketing kit

All packages include an event social media kit to promote your involvement to your networks.


Photo of expo floor

Contact our partnerships team to discuss opportunities. 

